November 21, 2013 - Alan Lenef

Alan Lenef, Osram Sylvania, Inc.

Alan Lenef is a Staff Scientist with OSRAM SYLVANIA at the Central Research and Services Laboratory in Beverly, Massachusetts, where he has been since 1995.  Before LEDs become viable for lighting applications, he worked on electrode-plasma interactions in high-pressure discharge lighting.  As lighting began to transition to solid-state sources, he has been working on optical properties of phosphor materials, developing new phosphor technologies and supporting the development of new phosphor materials.  Alan holds an MS degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Illinois.  He received his PhD in Applied Physics from the University of Michigan in 1993 in the field of ultra-fast spectroscopy, followed by a post-doc at MIT working in the field of atom-optics.




Pre-registration discount DINNER reservations must be made by 6 PM, November 18, 2013, the Monday before the meeting. Full-price reservation accepted thereafter. Walk-ins welcome at full-price. MEETING-ONLY registrations appreciated by November 20, 2013

Please make reservations online. Reservations may also be left on the answering machine at 617.584.0266. We no longer have an email address for reservations due to SPAM. When making reservation requests, please provide the following information:

  • DINNER AND MEETING or meeting only
  • Name(s) and membership status
  • Daytime phone number where you can be reached (in case of change or cancellation)


Rebeccas Cafe (Located in back of the office complex)
275 Grove Street
Auburndale, MA 02466

(617) 969-3282

(Map to Rebecca's).

Networking—5:45 PM, Dinner—6:45, Meeting—7:30 PM.


Vegetarian option available on request

Dinner Prices:

   Register on/before
 DINNER Reservation Date 
 Late Reservations 
 NES/OSA Members and their guests   $25.00 each   $30.00 
 Non-members   $30.00 (See NOTE Below)   $35.00 
 Students   $5.00   $5.00 
 Post-Docs   $15.00   $15.00 








NOTE: The NES/OSA has not changed dinner prices in several years but has been facing higher costs. We will maintain the current dinner prices for those reserving dinner on the requested date but still try to accommodate late reservations.

General Information on NES/OSA Meetings

Cancellations and No-shows:

If the meeting must be canceled for any reason, we will try to call you at the phone number you leave with your reservation. Official notice of cancellation will be on our answering machine.

We have to pay for the dinners reserved as of the Tuesday before the meeting, so no-shows eat into our cash reserve. If you will not be able to attend, please let us know as early as possible. Otherwise, no-shows will be billed.

Membership Rates:

Regular members $15.00
Student members free




NOTE: The extra $5.00 of the non-member dinner fee can be used toward membership dues if the nonmember joins and pays dues for the current year at the meeting.