Metasurfaces in Lens Design: History, Recent Progress, and Perspective

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Optical metasurfaces for wavefront manipulation have emerged rapidly as a powerful tool enabling new capabilities. In this talk, I will review the research on metasurface from the diffractive optical element to the latest broadband high efficiency metasurface in visible. I will discuss opportunities and challenges of employing those structures in various optical systems. Beside advanced material developments, simulations and recent results, the metasurfaces are still a curiosity that promise to be effective to reduce the size, weight, power and cost of future optical systems as it was 20 years ago with diffractive lens. I will further describe the most recent efforts to develop new tools and model to make metasurfaces more and more available for the community.
Location |
Meeting Date | Thursday, 20 May 2021 | ||||
Reservation Deadline | Wednesday, 19 May 2021 @ 6pm | ||||
Event Schedule |
Simon Thibault , Université Laval
Simon Thibault is a professor in the Department of Physics, Engineering Physics and Optics at Université Laval, where he teaches graduate and undergraduate courses in physics and engineering physics. SPIE and OSA Fellow, he is also the chair holder of the NSERC Industrial Research Chair in Optical Design supporting a world-class infrastructure for optical training ( and sits on several international conference program committees at OSA, SPIE and IEEE. Particularly as Chair of the next two International Optical Design Conference (IODC, 2021, 202X). He has authored over 250 scientific papers and holds some 20 patents. He is member of the board of director of Quebec Photonic Clusters (OPTONIQUE), the Centre for Optics, Photonic and Laser (COPL), and Centre for Research in Astrophysics of Quebec (CRAQ).
Meeting reservations must be made by Wednesday, 19 May 2021 at 6pm. Attendees will be sent a link and a password to join the meeting. The meeting link will be sent during the week of the meeting after the close of registration.
Reservations can be made via the "Click to sign up" button above or by leaving a message on our Google Voice mailbox at (617) 454-4693.
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Corporate Sponsors | $250.00 |
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