Space Laser Communications: The Past and Future

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From the past success of NASA’s Lunar Laser Communication Demonstration (LLCD) to the upcoming launch of the Laser Communication Relay Demonstration (LCRD), we explore the topic of satellite laser communication. Driven by space agencies from around the globe, we walk through past and current pathfinding mission successes, pioneering to space based optical communications. In the current race to develop global connectivity, we examine constellation networks poised to connect the planet’s most remote regions and populations. But to begin our journey, we start with the first satellite to ground laser communication link, established by the Japanese space community in 1994, and the first inter-satellite link (ISL), demonstrated by the European Space Agency (ESA), using the SILEX mission hardware in 2001. Ranging from the lunar distance link that shattered records during NASA’s LLCD demonstration to the barrier breaking technology of the Deep Space Optical Communication (DSOC) mission, we explore the disrupting role in which optics is propelling communication technology in space.
Location |
Meeting Date | Thursday, 17 October 2019 | ||||||
Dinner Reservation Deadline | Monday, 14 October 2019 @ 6pm | ||||||
Event Schedule |
Ezra Milby , L3Harris Technologies
Ezra Milby has been leading the development of next generation space technology with L3Harris Technologies. Since joining in 2016, his leadership has advanced key satellite based optical communications research and development initiatives. Prior to L3Harris, Ezra developed free space laser communication technology with BAE Systems. Studying under a BAE Systems Optical Sciences Masters Fellowship, Ezra holds a MS in Optical Science from the University of Arizona’s College of Optical Sciences. Ezra received his Bachelors of Science in Optics from the Institute of Optics at the University of Rochester.
NES/OSA Members | $30.00 |
Guest of an NES/OSA Member | $30.00 |
Non-Members | $35.00 |
Students | $5.00 |
Post-Docs | $15.00 |
Dinner & Meeting reservations must be made by Monday, 14 October 2019 at 6pm. We can no longer accept dinner reservations after this cutoff.
Meeting-Only registrations are appreciated by Wednesday, 16 October 2019 . Walk-ins are acceptable for the meeting-only.
Reservations can be made via the "Click to sign up" button above or by leaving a message on our Google Voice mailbox at (617) 454-4693.
When making reservation via voicemail, please provide the following information for each guest:
- Dinner & Meeting or Meeting-Only
- Name
- Affiliation (Company, School, retired, etc.)
- NES/OSA Membership Status
- Daytime phone number where you can be reached (in case of change or cancellation)
General Information about NES/OSA Meetings
If the meeting must be cancelled for any reason, we will try to call you at the phone number you leave with your reservation.
We have to pay for the dinners reserved as of the Tuesday before the meeting, so no-shows eat into our cash reserve. If you will not be able to attend, please let us know as early as possible.
Corporate Sponsors | $250.00 |
Professional Sponsors | $50.00 |
Regular Members | $15.00 |
Student Members | Free |
NOTE: The extra $5.00 of the non-member dinner fee can be used toward membership dues if the non-member joins and pays dues for the current year at the meeting.