May 21, 2009 - Edward Gilroy

Effective Time Management

As we are all aware, time is our most important resource. But how do we manage our time to use it effectively and achieve our goals?

Effective time management requires a commitment and a time management culture. Our approach affects both our business and personal lives. Our approach needs to consider what is Urgent versus what is Important. We must also identify and understand the Obstacles to using our time wisely.

With these issues in mind, this presentation will present and discuss the 7 Obstacles to Effective Time Management. We will also identify some aids that can help in implementing an ongoing program to manage our time commitments.

Edward J. Gilroy 

Ed Gilroy is the owner of Clearbrook Consulting, LLC and a TAB-Certified Facilitator and Strategic Business Leadership (SBL) Coach based in Metrowest. A creative entrepreneur and business leader Ed is passionate about helping area Owners, Presidents and CEO’s take their business to the next level and dramatically improve their quality of life through strategic planning and business coaching.

With over 35 years of business and management experience, Ed has an extensive background in strategic planning, technology, sales and operations. After earning a Masters degree in Mathematics from Northeastern University, Ed achieved increasing levels of management experience in major corporations such as Raytheon, GTE, Honeywell and Sylvania. Ed used this experience to found a technology company with over 22 years of successful operation providing software and networking systems to the financial market. This experience helped Ed develop in-depth experience with small business Sales and Marketing, Operations, Customer Support, Finance and Strategic Alliances. After completing an exit strategy and taking time to deal with family health issues, Ed purchased a franchise from The Alternative Board (TAB). He currently is applying his particular expertise in working with business owners in the Boston and Metrowest area to address their sales, marketing, operations and human resource issues, as well as strategic alliances and Merger/Acquisition opportunities.

Ed lives in Southborough with his wife of over 38 years. Their 3 children are pursuing professional careers in the area after earning college degrees.


DINNER reservations are required by noon, May 18, 2009, the Monday of the meeting. MEETING ONLY reservations are required by noon, May 21, 2009, the day of the meeting. 

Please make reservations online. Reservations may also be left on the answering machine at 617.584.0266. We no longer have an email address for reservations due to SPAM. When making reservation requests, please provide the following information: 

  • DINNER AND MEETING or meeting only
  • Name(s) and membership status
  • Daytime phone number where you can be reached (in case of change or cancellation)


Best Western TLC in Waltham (Map to TLC).

Networking—5:45 PM, Dinner—6:30, Meeting—7:30 PM.


Dinner will include --- and coffee, tea, or milk.

Vegetarian option available on request 

Dinner Prices:

Members and their guests$25.00 each
Non-members$30.00 (See NOTE Below)




General Information on NES/OSA Meetings

Cancellations and No-shows:

If the meeting must be canceled for any reason, we will try to call you at the phone number you leave with your reservation. Official notice of cancellation will be on our answering machine.

We have to pay for the dinners reserved as of the Tuesday before the meeting, so no-shows eat into our cash reserve. If you will not be able to attend, please let us know as early as possible. Otherwise, no-shows will be billed.

Membership Rates:

Regular members$15.00
Student membersfree




NOTE: The extra $5.00 of the non-member dinner fee can be used toward membership dues if the nonmember joins and pays dues for the current year at the meeting.